Thursday, February 12, 2009

While the cat's away!

This week Neil left to go to India and Australia on business. So, Lana and I decided to leave too!  We didn't quite get as far as Neil but we may be having more fun! I have a friend from college and we decided to visit her and her two cute wonderful girls.  Lana had a BLAST.  She really enjoyed following around Ree Ree (the younger of the two girls) who is 9 months older than Lana. I think Ree Ree enjoyed it too, because she's always shadowing Princess (her older sister).  Now finally it became apparent to her that SHE was doing things that were interesting too! Interesting enough to warrant a shadow (Lana).   BTW, I changed their names because I'm not inclined to give out the names of other people's children on my blog.

Here the three of them are smiling prettily for the camera except Lana of course.  Lana is still eating the pinwheel she got as a treat at a playgroup. :)

1 comment:

Jamie and James said...

We loved having Lana come (and her Momma too, of course). Thanks for the visit!