Saturday, February 21, 2009

From SFO to swim lesson to Yosemite!

Neil got back from Australia on Thursday morning!!! He called the day before to see if Lana and I would be up to do some adventuring over the weekend before he goes back to work.  I though HE might need a little rest after a 13 hour flight but apparently NOT.  So we made plans to go to Yosemite the next day.  Thursday afternoons Lana has her swim lessons at Waterbabies so we invited Daddy to come along and be our photographer.  Aren't we cute in our swimsuits?? Lana's winking at the camera :)Neil thought it would be fun to go to a bed and breakfast in Yosemite.  We got a great deal at the Groveland Hotel since it is the off-season in Yosemite (The Groveland Hotel Restaurant serves AWESOME dinners too!).  Unfortunately for Neil we were put in the PINK Teddy Bear Room which Lana was pretty fired up about. Poor Neil, it was such a girly room!
We went into the park for some short snow shoe hikes.  The snow made the sounds of the rushing rivers reverberate through the valley, but otherwise it was quiet, except for the snowmen that were hiking along the paths with us!
Here we are in front Yosemite Falls!

And we made it all the way to the Vernal Fall Bridge!  In the snow!  We were glad we had snowshoes.  But there was a seventy five year old couple who walked all the way up in sneakers, and one of them leaning on a cane, so we didn't feel quite as cool. But it was still specatacular.  An Lana was great the whole way - googley eyed in wonder at the crashing sounds of cascades and beautiful contrasts of snow, trees and granite. 

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