Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year and Resolution

Hi Everybody!

While I know that people DO read and view our blog it is a hard thing to keep up the blog on a regular basis because I don't SEE when people read and view our blog... I know, I know I should just be able to DO it and not do it in order to get recognition for doing it, but there it is. But regardless, there it is. However, I am going to TRY to post something once a week from here on out. I will post on the same day every week, Friday. Starting TODAY!

This last week we spent with Grandma and Grandpa Ahlsten. It was a BIG week for Lana. She started off the week doing horizontal pull ups (as her means of locomotion) and ended the week crawling PERFECTLY. PHENOMENAL child that she is :). Also, she started off this week --shrieking-- that was the favored means of expression. NOW she's realized she can turn her face PURPLE if she clenches her tummy, her hands, her mouth... this is all for FUN mind you and not because she's constipated which was what all of us originally thought was happening... But, monitoring the southern region proved that constipation was NOT the case, nor was there any good reason for straining to be needed to produce what we found in diapers daily :). I know TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

Anyways, she's been the star of the week and the month and the year. I'm sure she'll continue to be next year...but I'll also try and blog about other observations, thoughts and reflections throughout the year.

Here's hoping that I'll see 53 posts by the close of 2009!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Now that you've finally told me about your blog(!) I have you on my reader feed so I will get every post the minute you post it. You are read! (and loved)