Monday, January 5, 2009

Pillow pets, bubbles and peas! Oh my!

Lana and I went to Goodwill today and scored on two great pillowpets (a bunny rabbit and an elephant). They washed up in the washing machine and dryer and came out smelling like a million bucks. Obviously Lana likes them, I think they remind her of Norma (the cat) who she mistreats horribly. Norma just takes it too! [I'm SORRY Norma!!] I figure these can be stand-in Normas and I won't be guilty of cat-abuse.
This is Lana (ohmygosh, she looks like a maniac!) in the bathtub. You have NOT seen this child happy until you've seen her in the bathtub.
Here's Lana modeling the latest in baby facial products: mixed veggies.

1 comment:

Lillian Zhao said...

OMG - LOVE the bath photo!! =)