Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kenya here we come!

The Ahlsten family goes to Africa! By mid-July this little family will be set up in Nairobi, Kenya. Between now and then we have to pack up our lives here (in California). Take a LONG flight (like about 20 hours) with a 2 year old and a 6 month old - please start praying now. And we have to figure out where we're going to live in Nairobi (either short-term, until we find a place for the next 2 years or if it works out move straight into something spectacular).

All prayers are welcomed!!!

Stay tuned.


Hold Still For A Minute... said...

Awesome! Adventure awaits (times 4)! Will be praying for you all. I would love to hear what you will be doing there.

:) Amy W.

ndimaggio said...

Sounds like amazing times for you Neil and your family (or should I say Bean?) Ministry? I'm excited to have found your blog, and excited too, to have found out a little bit about your post-camp life :) IS there life post-camp?? Yes! And to the fuller.
-Huckleberry (aka Neil)