Saturday, July 5, 2008

Over the hill and through the woods to grandmothers house we go!!!

Lana and I (Nadia) decided to skip out of Cupertino and go to Grandma's house this last week (June 30th-July 3rd) because Neil was out of town on business and because Nadia needed a change of scenery. So off we went on Monday morning to Grandma and Grandpa Ahlsten's house. Lana had a great time at her grandparent's house hanging out with Grandma Sarah singing nursery rhymes and chatting. Lana was giggling and smiling more than I've ever seen her giggle and smile. I think those two are going to get along just fine! Grandpa was there too and he gave Lana the BEST head scratch, little Lana was quite the aficionado of the head scratch since birth but this one made her eyes roll back in her head and sigh deeply which gave the rest of us a good laugh. I (Nadia) also got a chance to connect with a good friend Rose Koch briefly while Grandma kindly watched little Lana Lou for a few hours. We headed back this Thursday and found that Lana's new stroller had been delivered while we were away! Neil came back on July 4th, his birthday, and we just had a quiet family birthday party in the back yard.